How To Allow / Disallow An Email Address Or IP
With SweepWidget, you can easily allow or disallow an email address or IP.
Always allow specified emails/ip’s
This method will make it so a user can enter no matter what. They will never be marked as spam for any reason. This is also a good way to unban a user who was previously marked as spam.
- Navigate to the Entries section for the contest you want to allow the user to enter.
- Tick the checkbox for Allowed Users List
- Enter the user’s email address or IP here (1 per line).
All of the IP’s and email addresses will now be able to enter without any issues.

Tip: allow unlimited entries from an IP address by adding an asterisk to the end of it e.g. 123.456.789*
Why would you want to do this? If you you’re running a live event where users can enter their name/email on a shared device, you would run into a duplicate IP address issue. You can bypass this issue by allowing unlimited entries from only the IP address of the shared device. That way, you would prevent people from being able to do unlimited with different names/emails from home.
Always block specified emails/ip’s
This method will make it so a user can’t enter the contest.
- Navigate to the Entries section for the contest you want to disallow the user from entering.
- Tick the checkbox for Blocked Users List
- Enter the user’s email address or IP here (1 per line).