SweepWidget Help Docs

SweepWidget Giveaway Analytics

With SweepWidget, you can get detailed analytics about your giveaway! Here’s a breakdown of the different data points to you get and what they mean:

  • Total Visits: this is the total amount of page views on your giveaway (duplicate users, IP addresses, and devices will count as new page visits for every page refresh.)
  • Unique Visits: this is the total amount of unique / distinct visits to your giveaways (duplicate users, IP addresses, and devices will only count one team regardless of how many visits or page refreshes there are.)
  • Users: This is the total amount of people who have entered your giveaway.
  • Actions: This is the total amount of individual actions that users have completed on your giveaway e.g. Follow on Instagram, Visit a Facebook page, Subscribe to Newsletter (each action will be treated as “1” regardless of how many entries it’s worth.)
  • Earned Entries: This is the total amount of entries in your contest (this takes into consideration how many entries each entry method / action is worth e.g. if Subscribe to Newsletter is worth 5 entries, it will count as 5.)