SweepWidget Help Docs

Require Users To Verify Their Email Address

Learn how to require users to verify their email address before entering.

Navigate to Basic Information > 4-digit email confirmation code.

Tick the 4-digit email confirmation code option.

Now, you can customize the verification email that the user will receive. You can use the following merge tags (these will dynamically populate the relevant info about your contest).

Merge tag values:

[USERNAME] =  User’s full name
[TITLE] =  Giveaway title
[VERIFICATION_CODE] =  4-digit verification code
[BRAND_NAME] =  The name of your brand. Note: You can edit it here.

Additionally, you can add your company logo to the header of the email. Note: it will automatically be resized to 200px wide.

Contestant view

When the contestant enters your giveaway, they will receive an email with a 4 digit verification code.

They won’t be allowed to enter until they correctly enter the 4 digit code into the giveaway.