How to Manage Multiple Brands
With SweepWidget, you can easily manage multiple brands. Also, with the business plan and up, you can upgrade multiple brands to your plan level at no charge.
- Free plan: You get unlimited brands, but they’ll all be at the free level.
- Pro plan: You get 1 brand at the pro plan level.
- Business plan: You get 2 brands at the business plan level.
- Premium plan: You get 3 brands at the premium plan level.
- Enterprise plan: You get 5 brands at the enterprise plan level.
Depending on the plan you’re on, you will be able to upgrade other brands to your currently paid level. So, if your main brand is on the premium subscription, you will be able to switch a total of two other brands to the premium level (for a total of 3 brands). It’s the same for business plan (2 total brands) and enterprise (5 total brands).
First click on your name in the upper right hand corner. Click on Account Settings. Click on Manage Brands.
You will see all of your existing brands, and you can click the Switch to ______ (no charge). It will give your the option for whatever your paid plan is. Don’t worry, you won’t be charged anything when you upgrade any additional brands from this portal.

That’s it! You can now manage multiple upgraded brands at no additional charge.