Subscribe To Newsletter Entry Method

Create your own giveaway

  • Pro Plan Required

Learn how to allow users to subscribe to your newsletter.

There are API integrations for the following CRM’s:

  1. MailChimp
  2. Aweber
  3. Active Campaign
  4. Mad Mimi
  5. Constant Contact
  6. MailerLite
  7. ConvertKit
  8. Campaign Monitor
  9. GetResponse
  10. Drip
  11. SendGrid
  12. Klaviyo
  13. Iterable
  14. SendFox
  15. Pabbly
  16. Sendy
  17. EmailOctopus
  18. Omnisend
  19. MailJet

Admin view

Navigate to Ways Users Can Enter > Subscribe To Newsletter.

Next, fill in all of the required fields.

You have the option to integrate newsletter list. Note we’re always adding new integrations. See updated list here.

First tick the Integrate Your Email List checkbox. Then select whichever integration you want. In this example we’re choosing MailChimp.

Next, find the API Key in your MailChimp account and input it in the API Key field below. Then, click Get Lists. At this point, all of your active lists will populate in the List Name drop down. Select your desired list and you’re done.

Note: the steps for each integration may vary. There will be detailed instructions on the create/edit giveaway page. If you need any assistance setting this up, please contact us.

Public view

The user will get credit for the entry by confirming they want to subscribe to your newsletter.

If you enabled an email integration, they user’s name/email will be automatically added to your newsletter list.

Example Newsletter Giveaway