SweepWidget Zapier Integration
In this article you will learn how to set up the SweepWidget Zapier integration.
SweepWidget Zapier Integration
What is Zapier?
Zapier is an amazing tool that lets you connect SweepWidget to over 4,000+ apps. It lets you easily automate countless tasks and workflows across all of your favorite tools.
How to integrate SweepWidget with Zapier?
Step 1 – You will need to find your Zapier API key and competition ID of the giveaway you want to integrate.
How to find your Zapier API Key?
Log in to your SweepWidget account, then click on Integrations.

Next, click on the Zapier link.

Next, copy the Zapier API Key.

How to find your competition ID?
Next, you need to get the competition ID from the giveaway you want to integrate.
Now that you have the Zapier API key and competition ID, it’s time to head on over to the Zapier website: https://zapier.com/apps/sweepwidget/integrations

Next, click Make a New Zap.

Select the SweepWidget app.

Choose your Trigger Event and click Continue.
- In this example we will use the New Users trigger. This triggers when a new user enters your giveaway.

Under Choose Account, click + Add a New Account.

This is where you authenticate the SweepWidget Zapier app. Input your Competition ID and Zapier API Key that you retrieved at the beginning of this tutorial. Once you add these, click the Yes, Continue button.

Click Continue.

Click Test Trigger.

If the trigger test was successful, it will return a sample user’s data.
You can choose from the following data sets:
- User ID
- Full name
- First name
- Last name
- Birthday
- Timestamp
- Country
- URL Referral Parameters (the source where the user came from)
- Custom login fields (these are the key:value pairs of any custom login fields you have created)

Now you’re ready to send any of the retrieved data to one of 4,000+ apps on the Zapier marketplace! This is everything you need to know to get the SweepWidget Zapier app up and running. If you’re unsure how to use Zapier, you can follow their tutorial here.